SEE ‘Save the Planet’
The 8th edition of SEE Waste Management & Recycling Conference and Exhibition is approaching and will be once more this year an efficient platform for benefitting from the SEE environmental potential.
Being organinzed in Sofia, Bulgaria on 7-9 March by Via Expo, the event will keep on bringing together companies producing environmental technologies, together with industrialists, state administration and municipality representatives.
As of now companies from Bulgaria, Belgium,Germany, Greece, Denmarkand Switzerland have applied participation. There will be for eighth consecutive time Austrian Pavilion, institutionally supported by Advantage Austria Sofia.ICE – Italian Trade Agency in Sofia organizes Collective participation of Italian companies in waste management and recycling branch.
The organizer expects Dutch companies’ participation, too.
The participants in SEE ‘Save the Planet’ will showcase shredding and pressing equipment; recycling systems and technologies; automated conversion of waste into biomass; baling systems and presses; compact biomass boilers; district heating systems; equipment for industrial and agricultural installations for biogas, landfill gas and other combustible gases; installations for mechanical and biological treatment of inseparablе collected municipal solid waste; RDF production and quality compost;composting machines; machines for tubular silage;etc.
Participation in the parallel SEE Conference on Waste Management & Recycling’17 on is a great opportunity to obtain information about trends, legislation and perspectives. Among its topics are:
■ Circular Economy: Policy Aspects and Good Practices
■ How to Utilize Waste in Agriculture, Wastewater plants.
Invited speakers from European Commission DG Environment, European Biogas Association, Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgarian Association of Municipal Environmental Experts, Sofia Municipality, companies, etc. There will be panel within the Conference of ICE – Italian Trade Agency in Sofia including presentations of Italian companies.
If you want to participate at SEE ‘Save the Planet’ 2017, there is still time to join.
Follow up the inserted priority booking form
Useful links: Brochure’17 Priority Booking Form Post Event Report'16